Church of the Nativity UCC
1530 Colvin Blvd. Buffalo, NY 14223
Church of the Nativity UCC
1530 Colvin Blvd. Buffalo, NY 14223
Welcome to
Church of the Nativity UCC
The Church of the Nativity was founded by the Rev. M. Huyett Sangree and his wife, Jean, in 1946 in the Town of Tonawanda. At this early stage in the life of the church, it didn’t yet have a charter, a name, or a permanent home.
Join us on Sunday
Worship Times:
Contemporary Service 9:00AM and
Traditional Service 10:30AM
Sunday School for Grades K-12 is available at 10:30;
Nursery care is offered at both services.
We would love to help answer some of your questions!
If you like to use GPS, our address is 1530 Colvin Blvd, Buffalo, NY 14223. If you prefer landmarks, we’re located on Colvin Boulevard one block north of Sheridan Drive, next to the KenTon Schools Admin Building.
There is parking in the rear and next door in the KenTon Admin lot. The main entrance is off the parking lot. One of the doors is accessible via a ramp and stairs.
Once you enter the building, people and signs are around to direct you to the worship space (sanctuary), Sunday School classrooms, and other necessities. Or, you can ask and we’ll help get you where you want to go.
You will see people dress in jeans and t-shirts, business casual, and dresses and suits. You’ll find the complete range at each of our services.
Our worship services typically last an hour or less and feature music, a Bible reading, reflective prayer, and a 15-20 minute message. We live stream our 10:30 service and then create a shorter virtual service which can be accessed on our home page or on our Facebook Page, Church of the Nativity United Church of Christ.
The 9:00 am Contemporary Service is about 45-50 minutes long. We have a Praise Team that includes guitar, ukulele, drums and vocalists. We sing many of the songs that you might hear on popular Christian music stations. Our 10:30 am Traditional Service is about an hour long and includes hymns with organ accompaniment. Our choir provides special music each week and our English Handbell Choir plays once a month. During the summer (July – Labor Day) we gather for one service at 10:00 am with a mixture of music styles. Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month and is open to all.
Our facility is fully accessible. The parking lot entrance has a ramp and we have an elevator to provide access to all the rooms in our building. The Worship space has large print bulletins and hearing assist devices.
Children are an important part of our church family, so we welcome them in worship. It’s ok to bring snacks if that’s helpful for your children. We also have activity bags for them. If you prefer, we have Nursery Care available during both services for young children; a paid staff person, assisted by volunteers, provides care.
Sunday School, for ages 4 – Grade 8 is held during the 10:30 service. High School youth choose to worship with their parents, serve as worship leaders, sing in the choir, or assist in Sunday School.
We don’t ask guests to stand in worship or single you out in any way. People are friendly so it’s likely that someone will greet you but you will not feel pressured. If you would like to know more about Nativity, we have Welcome Cards in the pews that you can complete and leave in the offering plate or with an usher or the pastor. We also have welcome bags that will give you more information about the church. These are located on the table across from the church office.